茗風雅韻烏龍茶禮盒 Golden Oolong Tea Collection
高山烏龍茶- 187.5g *1 / High Mountain Oolong Tea – 187.5g *1
精焙烏龍茶- 187.5g *1 / Medium Roasted Oolong Tea – 187.5g *1
茶菁採自台灣中部高山茶區, 屬於輕發酵烏龍茶, 由天仁專業製茶師傅嚴格評選, 精心焙製, 茶湯清澈, 香氣悠揚, 喉韻甘醇, 值得您細細品味.
Created under the careful instruction of our tea masters, this High Mountain Oolong Tea is crafted from selected leaves harvested from the mountainous region of central Taiwan. These tea leaves have been carefully roasted in order to create a tea with a luminous , elegant aroma and mellow taste.