High Mountain Oolong Tea Set (Ten-Lu/Ten-Wu 300g each)


High Mountain Oolong Tea Set (Ten-Lu/Ten-Wu 300g each)
Category – Gift Set
Gross Weight – 1.48 Kg
Made in Taiwan by Tenren Tea

20 in stock

SKU: 1809000130030 Category:


Ten Lu Tea

Ten Lu Tea is considered as light-fermented Oolong Tea, it is planted in Mt. Lu region. The high mountain climate in Mt. Lu possesses a suitable environment with adequate moisture and fertile soil to grow remarkable high mountain teas. Ten Lu Tea possess traits of elegant aroma with long lasting taste. Ten Ren utilises professional experience in tea making to select top quality tea leaves with specialised quality control and packaging, Ten Ren produces most valuable high mountain teas.


屬於輕發酵烏龍茶, 來自廬山茶區, 高山氣候適宜, 水份充足,  土壤肥沃, 孕育出台灣獨特的高山茶, 芳香甘醇, 喉韻持久是其特色. 天仁公司以專業製茶經驗, 細選優質茶菁, 專業品管包裝, 生產出最值得品嚐的高山茶.




Ten Wu Tea is considered as light-fermented Oolong Tea, it is planted in Wu She region. The high mountain climate in Wu She possesses a suitable environment with adequate moisture and fertile soil to grow remarkable high mountain teas. Ten Wu Tea possess refreshing and delicate taste with graceful refined aroma. Ten Ren utilises professional experience in tea making to select top quality tea leaves with specialised quality control and packaging. Ten Ren produces most valuable high mountain teas.


屬於輕發酵烏龍茶, 來自霧社茶區, 高山氣候適宜, 水份充足,  土壤肥沃, 孕育出台灣獨特的高山茶, 清香甘醇, 結合山川靈氣, 香氣優雅是其特色. 天仁公司以專業製茶經驗, 細選優質茶菁, 專業品管包裝, 生產出最值得品嚐的高山茶.



Additional information

Weight1.48 kg

