High Mountain Oolong Tea
Taiwan High Mountain Oolong Tea is planted on the mountains with higher elevations where fog and clouds surround the hills year round. Oolong Tea is considered the finest semi-fermented tea by connoisseurs worldwide. After brew-up, the tea encompasses closed and bright green leaves, clear tea soup, sweet and fragrant taste. It is the most favourable product for Taiwanese.
台灣高山烏龍茶屬輕發酵烏龍茶, 產於台灣高山地帶而馳名, 經專業技術揉製成緊實之捲球形, 沖泡後香氣清揚高雅, 湯色透徹明亮, 滋味香醇回甘, 葉底鮮翠柔嫩為其最大特色, 是台灣品茗者的最愛.
高山烏龍茶/鐵觀音/ 碧螺春 小禮盒