Small Canisters Tea Set (approx. 25~30g each)


Small Canisters Tea Set (approx. 25~30g each)
Category – Gift Set
Gross Weight – 0.36 Kg
Made in Taiwan by Tenren Tea

20 in stock

SKU: 809000130100 Category:


Bi Luo Chuen Green Tea

San Xia District, Taiwan is the prime location where Taiwanese Green Tea is produced. Because of its comfortable weather, San Xia is an ideal place for the growth of green tea. Ten Ren’s Bi Luo Chuen Green Tea is manufactured from budding curled tip tea leaves. After brewing, this type of tea releases a light floral scent, fresh fruity aroma and sweet rich taste, full of strength, like an energetic teen. Well-known for its unusual aroma, Bi Luo Chuen Green Tea was once called “Scary Fragrance”, and was later changed into “Bi Luo Chuen”. Famous Chinese Emperor – Kangxi from Qing Dynasty was also shocked and charmed by its outstanding tea aroma, even before tasting it. This leads him to give it a more elegant name “Bi Luo Chuen”, literally meaning Green Spiral.


三峽, 為台灣綠茶的重要產區, 氣溫涼爽, 舒適宜人, 適合茶樹生長. 天仁碧螺春綠茶嚴選台灣三峽地區新長出的芽葉製成, 沖泡後散發清雅纖細的花般香氣, 嫩翠芬芳, 口感甜柔鮮爽, 由於特有的迷人香氣, 因而有[嚇煞人香]的別名. 清朝康熙皇帝舉杯未飲時已覺得茶香撲鼻, 一飲之後更讚嘆滋味殊佳, 故賜名[碧螺春], 可以看出碧螺春其珍貴之處.



Jasmine Tea

Jasmine Tea is formed using the tender leaves of Pouchong green tea which is from high elevation and scented with Jasmine flowers four times or more. When brewed, it produces floral flavour and delicious taste. It is the superior quality of Jasmine tea enjoyed by many.


精選高海拔細嫩包種清茶, 拌合”白露”茉莉花薰製四次以上而成. 在甘潤的茶葉中, 滲透出清新花香, 獨特的風味使天露香片成為香片中之上品, 深受行家所鑑賞與樂用.

Additional information

Weight0.36 kg
